The Phoenix Slides comes with a browser window that enables you to quickly navigate between folders and view their content, but also comes with a separate panel designed to help you visualize general data about the currently selected image, and the EXIF data, if it is available.

Minimalist image browser that automatically generates thumbnails for the photos included in the current user selected directory
#Phoenix slides for mac mac#
Phoenix Slides is a minimalist Mac app that offers you the possibility to browse your image folders in a streamlined manner, and then visualize the included photos in full-screen mode, as a slideshow. However, if you want to browse large photo collections, you might encounter performance issues.
#Phoenix slides for mac mac os x#
That massively improves cataloging of Time Machine backup volumes * DiskTracker (both v1 and v2 file formats!) Importer now honors the "Ignore Invisible Items" setting in the Cataloging Preferences to keep invisible items from being imported * ADC (Advanced Disk Catalog for Windows) XML Importer now reads the Category field and places it in the item comment * Improved Stack Cataloging if there are more than 200 catalog folders in your CDFinder database (You did know that you can sort new catalogs into existing folders already, didn't you?) * Improved cataloging speed of disks with many media files with no name suffix * Fixed some small problems when exporting catalogs * Fixed a problem when cataloging Quark XPress documents in Mac OS X 10.4.MacOS comes with the built-in Preview image viewer, which you can use to visualize image files in no time. We also offer a very affordable cross-grade for all users who want to switch from Disk Library to CDFinder * CDFinder can now search for photos with no GPS tags * After updating a cataloged folder, CDFinder now stores the new folder size properly in the catalog * New Cover Print template "Envelope", thanks to William Haney! * Improved Spotlight search for "any text" to include file contents * CDFinder now detects "hard links" as Aliases, and thus allows you to ignore them during cataloging. * CDFinder can catalog the GPS tags in MOV video files created by the Apple iPhone! That gives you the same geotag related features as with photos, such as starting a geosearch, or showing the point in Google Earth or on the built-in map * CDFinder has a new Importer for native Disk Library databases! CDFinder will gather thumbnails, and the metadata out of these catalogs. That massively improves cataloging of Time Machine backup volumes * DiskTracker (both v1 and v2 file formats!) Importer now honors the "Ignore Invisible Items" setting in the Cataloging Preferences to keep invisible items from being imported * ADC (Advanced Disk Catalog for Windows) XML Importer now reads the Category field and places it in the item comment * Improved Stack Cataloging if there are more than 200 catalog folders in your CDFinder database (You did know that you can sort new catalogs into existing folders already, didn't you?) * Improved cataloging speed of disks with many media files with no name suffix * Fixed some small problems when exporting catalogs * Fixed a problem when cataloging Quark XPress documents in Mac OS X 10.4.x * CDFinder now generates thumbnails for the old PICT files, too * Fixed a problem when cataloging huge Microsoft Word documents Changes